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by Dr. Ed Young

#885 October 20, 1991 A. M.
(Transcribed from actual tape)
Boy, I tell you, our musicians have got us ready to go to church today. Wouldn't
you say? Boy, we thank you!
Mr. Pettit and Dr. Looser, Mr. Moore, Renee, the choir and Hebrews.
Hope you have your Bibles open. The Book of Hebrews, Chapter Number 4. We're
in a study that may last us to the millennium. As we walk through Hebrews, we've
already warned everybody, you have to think as we study Hebrews. I'm trying to
bring it down where I can understand it and I hope you can as well. Hebrews
Chapter Number 4. We'll look at verse 1 through verse 11. Before we do that, let's
go to the Lord in prayer.
"Father, thank you for speaking to us through music. For the clear
message of the glory of the cross, for honor and glory we give to Thy
name; for praise that just exalts from our inner being. The thrill of
giving; the thrill of being brought closer to Thee. Lord, we rejoice in
this corporate worship encounter with brothers and sisters in Christ and
yea, even- with Thyself. Lord, ! pray now that YQu will speak and let
me get out of the way so that Thy Word and Thy truth might be heard;
it might be received; it might be understood and Lord, may we leave
this place practicing that which you have imparted to us. For we make
this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."
Perhaps some of you are familiar with the children's story, Alexander and the
Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day. If you've had children in the last two
years, you know that one. And I think all of us can identify with Alexander when
this is going to be one of those days. And Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-
Good. Very Bad Day. the author tells us the kind of day Alexander had. He
awakened one morning and this is what happened to him. He said,
"I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and there's gum in my hair and
when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skate board and by
mistake I d ...

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