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#873 September 22, 1991 A.M.
(Transcribed from tape)
Hebrews 1:1-3
Peter Pan is a play that was written by James M. Barry. Peter Pan became immortal when
Walt Disney took this little play and made a tremendous classic movie by the title "Peter Pan."
The theme of Peter Pan revolves around a boy who said, "I won't grow up! " And this boy took
some other boys with him out into Never Never Land and they lived under the thesis that the
most "awfulest" of all the awful things that were happens to be growing up and some of us can
remember that little song that had repeated in it verse after verse, "I won't grow up."
For the past two nights I have watched CSPAN on television. I have watched an amazing
historical spectacle as I saw Mikel Gorbeshav and Boris Yeltsin in front of a smattering of the
leadership of the Soviet Union and the Supreme Soviet debating and dealing with a new
government that is being born as we speak in the USSR. And I'll have to confess to you they
were like children. It was humorous to me! Many times as the dialogue between the two men
would take place following the unsuccessful Coo and I thought, well, they're immature. The
whole idea of a republic, of democracy, a government of the people, by the people, for the
people is totally foreign to these people not even going back to 1917, but going back to the era
of the tzars, these people haven't known the meaning of freedom. So therefore, they're
neophytes and they're trying to put together; they are immature!
But what is five years went by. What if ten years went by? What is twenty years went by and
they were still debating in Russia the basic tenants of the free enterprise system? We'd say,
"Man something is wrong with those people. All this time they haven't grown up?"
The Book of Hebrews is about maturity. The Book of Hebrews is a resounding challenge to
the church saying to all of us who are a part of the body when are you going to grow up!
You've bee ...

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