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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Genesis 6:1-22
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Genesis Chapter 6 (6 of 47)
Series: Genesis
Harley Howard
Genesis 6

The first eleven chapters of Genesis are probably some of the most controversial and yet simple chapters in the scriptures. Although much is not explained in greater detail than we would like to see, the first eleven chapters give us in simple outline, the creation of the universe, with Earth emphasized, and also the creation of man, his sin, and his redemption.

We have seen also man's depravity and we will see the judgment of God upon every living creature upon the entire Earth because of the escalating sinfulness of mankind.

We will also see Noah, a man who walked with God, and a man whom God found grace in, recreating, as it were, through His loins, mankind again.

This is a simple outline of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Although we should study, and attempt to find out as much as we can about the creation story, it is obvious that much conjecture or supposition has been added; much of it attempting to disprove the Genesis account by those who are either not content with what was given to us by God, or by those who do not believe in the miracle power of God.

The simplicity of the statement "God created the Heavens and the Earth" speaks of its finality. There's no big bang, no evolution, just God. The author does not attempt to prove God did it, he just stated the fact that God did it and that should be enough for the believer.

The creation story does not exist because I can prove it, it exist because the scriptures say that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Also we will attempt to deal somewhat with identifying the "Sons of God" in this sixth chapter, which may be admittedly one of the most difficult passages to deal with, and really one which we cannot be dogmatic about. We can express what we think it means, but good men disagree and the views are many, but most believing what we have here is the line of Seth, and the daughters of man bei ...

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