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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-21
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Genesis Chapter 15 (15 of 47)
Series: Genesis
Harley Howard
Genesis 15

With Abram fresh from victory against the kings and turning down the king of Sodom’s offer we now see that Abram is fearful about something that is not explained in the text.

1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

Perhaps Abram was fearful of a punitive military action that would come against him because of his victory against the 5 kings. The interesting parallel could be made that after great moral and spiritual victories some people find themselves fearful and fretful by the overwhelming drain that the warfare sometimes produces. Bu perhaps the reason why Abram was fearful may have been because of his great dependency upon God and he needed continual reassurance from God. And true to the nature and love of God He came to the aid of His servant and gave him that reassurance he needed. Would to God that we were as Abram—needing the continual reassurance of God and never satisfied without it. That rare person in our day who continually sits at the feet of Jesus and hearing from His word, striving to hear Him daily, that person recognizes the sweet and precious relationship that they have and senses that they need continual comfort and reassurance from God, and I might add, from God alone. Their hearts never tire from listening to Him and they sense a great fear and instability if they believe for a second that God is not directing them.

So what did God do for Abram, His friend? What did God do for this man of faith? He comforted him and told him not to fear. Why? He said, “Because I am your shield”—his protector—as well as his “great reward.” God was all of this to Abram, not what God DID for him. Abram had to know that the greatest reward of all was to have God as his friend, leading and directing and protecting him throughout his life.

Sad to say that ...

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