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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Genesis 22:1-24
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Genesis Chapter 22 (22 of 47)
Series: Genesis
Harley Howard
Genesis 22

Undoubtedly this is the greatest test of faith in Abraham's life. In fact it is a test in many areas in his life. We will try to extract as much as we can.

1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

A period of time and events has passed and now God calls Abraham to the ultimate test. After this test, Abraham will enjoy the maximum of blessed life. The word for tempt in verse 1 is translated: to put to the test. God was testing Abraham as to his loyalty to God. The test was for Abraham's benefit. God already knew his heart. The question here is not God's omniscience, but this test, as in all tests given by God, is for our benefit. Anyone who would question the legitimacy of this test does not understand the character of God. God does not try men or move His majestic hand according to our standards and beliefs. We need to stop reading into the character of God our own miniscule intellect about what God can do. God has tested the lives of people since creation and He does it to this day. Hard testing, deep testing, painful testing, long testing, all designed to give us the blessed opportunity to see if we really believe God. If we are really willing to give up everything that we own, if we are willing to give up the best of what we cherish to obey Him. When God test our profession or our claim of commitment to Him, more times than less we really see that our commitment to Him is at best superficial. God is bringing out the real deep-seated attitudes of the heart during test. He does that for our benefit to see if we really love Him and if we really desire Him above all else. If we really are His children or just imposters. I am glad that He does that. I am glad that God, in His infinite wisdom allows testings in our lives to bring us back to perspective about what really matte ...

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