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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Genesis 32:1-32
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Genesis Chapter 32 (32 of 47)
Series: Genesis
Harley Howard
Genesis 32

In this chapter we find the reconciliation between Jacob and Esau. The last time these two brothers saw each other was at the time when Jacob disguised himself as Esau and took the blessing that Isaac was going to give to Esau. Here it is over 20 years later and now it is Jacob that initiates the reconciliation. Again, I must confess to you that I see Jacob in a very positive light. I did not say that Jacob was an angel, but this man’s life, as a whole needs some careful examination. Not to mention the fact that God was continually with him. This must be considered in the man’s life as important. It was Jacob who initiated the reconciliation.

Verses 1-2: But before Jacob sends messengers to Esau, he gets a visit from angels of God. More than likely it was God’s way of showing Jacob that he was protected, but I cannot be dogmatic about that. The move back to the land was filled with mystery. He hasn’t been back in over 20 years and I am sure that he didn’t know what to expect when he got there. It seems apparent that he was under the impression that the many years would have softened Esau’s heart, so the attempt of reconciliation is being made.

Verses 3-5: Now bear in mind that Jacob was under no obligation at all to do this; not out of guilt, loyalty or family. He was the one that God would use to fulfill His promise that through his seed the Abrahamic promises would be fulfilled.

Notice the attitude of Jacob that he was willing to submit under Esau, even though Esau was the one obligated by the blessing and by God to submit to Jacob. Jacob is not perfect, but this man has changed. So he sends his messengers to Esau with the news that he wants to know if grace was available from him. How many people could learn lessons this day from Jacob. How many people right now who are holding grudges with brothers and sisters for whatever reason who need to ask for grace ...

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