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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 35:1-29
This content is part of a series.

God’s Great Remedy for Backsliders (44)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 35

A drunken man got into a rowboat one night to cross the river. He picked up the oars and rowed all night. When morning came, he had not reached the other side. Not only had he not reached the other side but was only a few feet from where he started. The problem? He forgot to untie the boat!!

Spiritually, some of us are like that drunk in the rowboat. We are not where we expected to be and surprised at where we are. We’ve not made the progress we’d hoped for because in many ways we are still tied to the old life, our old ways of thinking and our old habits and patterns. There are areas of disobedience in our lives where we stubbornly resist the transformative work of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

We also discover, that our desire and passion for the things of God are not what they used to be. We read, hear and repeat the same truths but now our hearts are unstirred and unmoved by the truths we say we believe and confess.Trevin Wax in his book ‘‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith’’ says one of the biggest challenges we face in the church is not when ‘‘new errors start to win but when old truths no longer’’ amaze. J.R.R. Tolkein said, ‘‘The most regrettable feature of human nature is how quickly we become unsatisfied with the good.’’

Amazingly, we become bored by the divine which is one of the main reasons we find ourselves tied to sin, making no progress in our spiritual journey, and sliding backward rather than moving forward.

(I may be wrong, but I think that is more of a temptation for those of us who have grown up in church, been around Christianity our whole lives, lived a very moral life, than for those saved out of much different background).

Whether we are living in disobedience to the Lord or have lost interest in the holy we are in, what my pastor would have called a back-slidden state.

We have fallen away fro ...

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