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by Dr. Ed Young

the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, 'Moses, my
servant, is dead. Now, therefore, rise; cross this
Jordan, you and all this people to the land which I
am giving to them to the sons of Israel'."
Boy, that one phrase, 'Moses, my servant, is dead.' Moses, the greatest
leader the world had ever known. Moses the miracle worker. Moses the
liberator. Moses the man who knew God mouth-to-mouth, the Bible tells us.
Exit Moses! God planned Moses' death. God conducted Moses' funeral. God
carried out Moses' burial. Enter Joshua! A second-team man. He'd been
a "Go-fer" all of his life. He'd been a servant to Moses. Oh, he'd been
around at important times, in significant moments, but never do I believe
Joshua had any idea to ascend to that place of leadership. I'm sure he
thought maybe Caleb. Boy, Caleb, that dynamic leader who always had a
word for the right situation. Or perhaps the high priest. Perhaps some
of the others. But, Joshua, he was just a servant. A nobody! Someone
who would just back up Moses and help him with all the little detail
things. No one saw in him, I think, a real flare for leadership. And now
God selects Joshua. Exit Moses; enter Joshua! Moses: MVP for 40 years;
Joshua: a rookie, who's never really been up to the plate. Never had a
chance to bat! Overwhelmed.
And now God commands Joshua to do something Moses couldn't even do. Can
you imagine that? You have been the administrative assistant to the
president of a large corporation for many, many years. This president
had doubled and tripled all the resources of the company. The Board of
you if you meet My conditions and you live a ...

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