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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Genesis 42:1-38
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Genesis Chapter 42 (39 of 47)
Series: Genesis
Harley Howard
Genesis 42

1 Now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, Why do ye look one upon another?
2 And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live, and not die.

The worldwide famine had hit home to Jacob and he asked his sons, “why are you standing there looking at each other for? Go down to Egypt and buy some grain so that we may live and not die!”

3 And Joseph's ten brethren went down to buy corn in Egypt.

Notice that it was the ten again, this time excluding Rachel's other son Benjamin. The favoritism continued with Jacob.

4 But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren; for he said, Lest peradventure mischief befall him.

It seemed rather apparent that if anything were to happen to the boys of the handmaidens and the boys of Leah, it would not affect him nearly as much as it would the sons of Rachel.

5 And the sons of Israel came to buy corn among those that came: for the famine was in the land of Canaan.
6 And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.

Well, what do you know? The dream of Joseph did come to pass; the sons did indeed bow before their brother. Remember the dreams back in Chapter 37:5-10.

7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself strange unto them, and spoke roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food.
8 And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him.
9 And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them, and said unto them, Ye are spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are come.

The brothers did not know that it was Joseph. Joseph did know that it was his brothers, ...

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