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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Galatians 6:1-5
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Galatians Chapter 6 (6 of 6)
Series: Galatians
Harley Howard
Galatians 6:1-5

Walk in the Holy Spirit - Restoration in the Church

1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

This church was fractured by false doctrine planted by the Judaizers. Paul described their behavior under the following terms; Biting and devouring each other; seeking of vain glory; provoking one another and envy towards each other. Paul also gave them the clear characteristics of the flesh dominated and of the Spirit-filled life. The church was in a mess and only a spiritual remedy would solve the problem. So Paul gave the solution in this chapter to restore sinning believers. Let's examine that clear fact.

• The first truth that we need to see is that the ones who are doing the restoration are Christians.

• Second, the ones needing restoration are also Christians.

• Third, the ones who are doing the restoration are those who are walking in the Holy Spirit.

• Forth, there is a warning to the one doing the restoration, to beware of pride.

• We need to see that the responsibility of restoration is for mature saints in the body, not just leaders alone.

Let's take a look at verse one:

1.) Brethren. In this context brethren obviously refers to believers. Though the word also refers to the relationship between Jews in some passages, it is obvious that Paul uses the word to refer to Christians, since the Galatians were not Jews. Paul referred to them as brothers in Christ. In fact, Paul used the same word 10 times in this epistle, all referring to believers. So that's very important. Only believers can do this.

2.) If a man be overtaken in a fault. If a believer is trapped in some sin (singular). It is important to know that the fault is not habitual sinning, but a sin. This is not the behavior of the habitual sinner ...

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