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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Galatians 5:1-26
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Galatians Chapter 5 - Stand Fast, Stand Free in Christ! (5 of 6)
Series: Galatians
Harley Howard
Galatians 5

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Because of all these things that I have explained to you previously, concerning the contrast between law and grace, and of the great benefits contained in the life of grace; then stand firm, persevere, and persist in the freedom, which Christ has set us free and no longer be entangled any further with the yoke of bondage; that is, the obsolete Mosaic law. Paul stated in no uncertain terms that the Mosaic law was obsolete for the believer, because Christ brought a better covenant which was founded upon better promises. Also, the blessing of Abraham, being justification by faith in Christ Jesus, brought the worshipper into a covenant relationship with God, which the law could not do. The law was God's killing tool in that it did its part in revealing the sinfulness of man and the holiness of God. Now remember, lest anyone should have the wrong impression of the law, again, bear in mind these facts.

• The law was holy, just or righteous, and good, because it came from God.
• There was absolutely nothing wrong with the law, but the law-breaker.
• The law was done away with by God, who gave it in the first place.
• Salvation was NEVER on the basis of keeping the law, but by faith in God, as demonstrated by Abraham.
• There was no conflict between law and grace. They were given for different purposes.
• The law was temporal and given to reveal sin, until Christ and the promise of justification by faith, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Having said that, it was apparent that the Galatians were not living in the freedom that they already had in Christ Jesus. Unfortunately, many professing believers today are not living in the freedom that they already have in Christ, if they know it at all! Many are not free ...

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