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by Harley Howard

Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4
This content is part of a series.

The Child-Parent Relationship (6 of 6)
Series: Ephesians
Harley Howard
Ephesians 6:1-4

We are still looking at the principle of submission and also how the Holy Spirit filled life affects all areas of our Christian life. We want to look at child-parent relationships. Remember, this is the child who probably lives in the home of the parent, but I don’t want to be dogmatic about it, but who professes to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God has clear instruction for you children as well. Know this from the start. The word, children, does not refer to babies in this verse. It refers to the ones who are of pre-teen or teenage, as we would call it, or older.

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Before we even approach the simplicity of this verse, it is very important to point out a few necessary facts.

1. Clearly children are to obey both parents. This means that no parent is to obey their children. The child has no rights to dictate anything of a imperative nature to their parents. This is clearly evil and a violation of the role of children n the home.

2. Parents are not to encourage the rebellion by playing a child or children against the other mate. This evil happens more so when you have or had a disagreement with your husband or wife and want to get someone to agree with you or on your side, rather than getting to the truth of the issue. Children are not pawns in the game of disobedient parents. To purposely deceive and to twist the thinking of a child against their parent(s) is clearly evil. Probably no greater example of this evil is seen than in divorce proceedings. To me this is the silent abuse of children, because it is rarely spoken about, but goes on daily. This is the greatest abuse of children because of the long term effects it has on children who have been brainwashed and made subject to despise or even to hate their mom or dad. Clearly any so-called Christian family doing this evil ought ...

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