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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 34:1-31
This content is part of a series.

The Siren Song of Compromise (43)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 34

In Greek mythology and other stories of fiction, sailors at sea were always in danger of being lured to their doom by the song of the siren. Some stories picture them as ½ woman and ½ bird while others as a mermaid type creature. The sirens would sing this beautiful song that called to the sailors and enchanted them.

The sailors, under the sway of this mysterious song, would alter the course of their ship in pursuit of this song and its singers only to find themselves shipwrecked among the rocks where they would eventually become food for the sirens.

What a gruesome thought!

In life, the siren song of temptation plays nonstop. Its purpose is to lure us off course so that we will make shipwreck of our faith and our lives. Too often its song captures our hearts, desires, and imaginations.

There is never a time, I repeat, never a time, when we are not susceptible to temptation’s melodies. We are always in danger of veering off course and making shipwreck of our lives.

That is exactly what happens to Jacob and his family here in Genesis 34, a rather disturbing and disappointing chapter of ‘‘disgraceful deeds that it is difficult to know how to preach on it’’ (Boice).

To be honest, this entire scene is a little surprising and out of place. It doesn’t belong. If I were writing the story of my people, their history, one that shows them to be God’s chosen people, a people chosen for God’s own purpose and glory, I would have left this story out. Brutally honest unflattering stories like this one is added proof as to Scripture’s validity. It is not afraid to show the horrible stains of failure in its most important people.

After all the progress we’ve seen in Jacob’s life and how God has watched over, blessed, protected, and guided him, to find this messy shipwreck of faith at this point in Jacob’s life and in his family is unexpected.

But, as it is with us, the pe ...

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