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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: HEBREWS 2:11-12, I JOHN 1:1-4, I JOHN 5:7, JOHN 1:1, JOHN 2:1, JOHN 5:13

#360 January 22, 1984 PM
(Transcribed from actual tapey


I John 1:1-4

I guess the Redskins have pitched their tents by now. I watched about two

minutes of it. What was the score when you left? What? Thirty-five to nine.

Kicked a field goal, Fred. He's a banker. He always reports a little less

than is actually there. I understand how they operate.

Hope you have your Bibles with you tonight. Turn 'em to First John. If you

didn't bring your Bibles, we have them in the pews, hopefully on the ends.

Some of you men won't be embarrassed. Your wives will help you find First

John. Go to Revelation, turn left. You go by Jude and a couple of other

Johns, and you'll run right into it. We began last week with sort of an intro-

ductory ah word. And hopefully tonight, we're gonna look at Verse 1 through

Verse 4 of this tremendous word from the apostle - the apostle of love

John. Let's pray together.

"Father, we thank You for Your truth ... the portion of it we have hidden in our

hearts is so meaningful to us. Open up new areas of meaning tonight. All of

us, Father, feel so biblically illiterate. We spend a lifetime in Thy Book,

yet there's so much. There're other layers; there're other depths; may we keep

probing and probing and searching, guided by Thy Spirit. Until truly Thou

does illuminate to us exactly that word that we need, some of us, so desper-

ately to hear. Lord, I pray again, that You would speak and let me get out

of the way so that Thy truth and Thy word alone might be heard. Hide me and

all the external things behind the cross so that Thy Son Jesus Christ alone

may be lifted up. For we pray in His blessed and holy name. Amen."


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