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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: EZEKIEL 33:30, ROMANS 2:1-7, ROMANS 2:17-29

(Transcribed from actual tape) December 11, 1983 AM


Romans 2:1 7-29

If you'll open your Bibles - as you see I've already opened mine - book of

Romans. This morning we'll look at Chapter 2, Verse 17 through 29. Romans 2:

17-29. We continue our study of this great, great book in the Scripture.

Perhaps the most profound book in all the Bible. Romans 2, we'll look at 17

through 29. Before we do that, let's pray together.

"It's always a joy to be in Thy house, Father, to bow our heads and our hearts

and focus our attention and our minds upon spiritual things. We pray for

reality in worship, not ritual or symbolism without meaning, but, Lord, we

want this time of gathering to make that difference in our lives. To make

that difference that actually changes our agendas, yeah, even our lifestyles.

We humble ourselves before Thee, confessing sin and asking for healing, cleans-

ing. Some are bored with life. Give them a sense of excitement and anticipa-

tion. Some are filled with pride and ego, Father. Just knock the props out

from under these groups. We're different. Wq're varied. But we all come

with a central need of knowing Thee. Lord, You speak. Let me get out of the

way so that Thy word and Thy holy and divine message might not only be heard

but may it be received and understood and incorporated into our very life-

styles. For we make this prayer in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

The establishment and the maintenance of the Roman empire wa& a pheflomena'l

achievement. Starting there with an obscure location on the Tiber, Roman


influence and military might spread, and right to the edge of the known

world, they established Roman law, built aqueducts and roads, and domin ...

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