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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: JOHN 1:9, JOHN 14:6, ROMANS 2:1-29

(Transcribed from actual tape) December 4, 1983 AM


Romans 2:1-29

Let's bow for prayer. Father, we're thankful for Thy Gospel that comes to

us through Thy word, that comes to us through great music, that comes to us

through proclamation of the truth and that word with unction and with power.

Lord, we come into Thy presence boldly but humbly reminded of the miracle

of Bethlehem, and seeking in so many ways through the study of the Book

of Romans, to understand those profundities that are beyond our mind's and

our heart's comprehension, but yet, Father, there's a hunger there for that

deep word ... and therefore we ask for the concentration necessary to under-

stand, to understand thy truth. You speak, let me get out of the way - is

our corporate prayer asked in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and our

Lord. Amen.

The first three chapters of the Book of Romans, tell us that we are sinners.

But there is nothing new about that except they have a second purpose, and

that is to tell us that the result of sin is judgement. The wrath of God

is always a part and parcel of sin. The theme of Romans is salvation. The

just shall live by faith. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells us how

we can know God, how we can be saved.

But before salvation can come, there must be a conviction of sin. You can't
know Christ Unless you first of all realize your need...and the Holy Spirit
does this. The first three chapters says we've missed the mark, we have
struck out, we have fumbled, we have failed. And a result of our failure,
the judgement of God, always comes ... because God is holy and He cannot stand
sin ... and therefore judgement always is pronounced upon sin and upon the sinner.

Now, the last fifteen versed o ...

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