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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: ROMANS 1:1-17

(Transcribed from actual tape) November 13, 1983 AM


Romans 1:1-17

We're going to begin this morning the study of the book of Romans which will carry

us through at least 26 Sunday morning worship services together. Let us begin

with a word of prayer.

"Totally inadequate, Oh Lord. Totally inadequate ... as we look at this book in the

New Testament. We understand just a little of it. We bow our knees and our hearts

before Thee ... confess our sin ... and ask for a fresh revelation from Thee as Thou

dost reveal Thyself. Let us come with grace and forgiveness and cleansing, and in

this we rejoice. Lord, during this study through these weeks, beginning yea this

morning, You speak. Let me get out of the way so that Thy word and Thy holy and

divine message might not only be heard, but may it be received and understood and

incorporated into our lifestyles. For we make this prayer in the strong, holy,

cleansing name of Jesus Christ our Savior and our Lord. Amen."

All roads lead to Rome. That was a saying. That was a by-word. That was a pro-
verb during the days of the Apostle Paul. Rome was the hub of civilization. And
if all roads lead from Rome, then by the same token, if you were in Rome, all roads
to the entire world would lead from that city. They lead to Rome. They lead away
from Rome. Therefore, Paul, being a missionary strategist, could see that if the
headquarters of the Christian church could be established in the imperial City of
Rome, then he would have access in his missionary endeavors to every facet of the
globe. And, therefore, as he would write his itinerary of travels, I am sure

everytime he would write in ...

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