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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 33:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Stop Staring at the Frog (42)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 33

I’ll never for forget a piece of advice my Preaching and Pastoral Care Professor gave us on dealing with difficult and unpleasant circumstances. He said, ‘‘If you have to eat a frog, don’t look at it too long. If you have to eat two, eat the biggest one first.’’ Unfortunately, I have not always followed that advice but it is good advice! The longer you look at it, the unpleasantness of the situation grows, and the task becomes more difficult.

Jacob had been staring a frog in the face for well over 2 decades. The frog’s name? Esau. Jacob’s older twin brother. Esau turned into a frog (not literally) in Jacob’s life after...
• Jacob bartered for the family birthright...a deal which Esau foolishly made. It revealed a lack of spiritual discernment on Esau’s part and showed he cared little for his family heritage.
• Jacob, on one level, stole the blessing from Esau by pretending to be Esau in the presence of their blind father Isaac.

That act of treachery was the proverbial straw that broke the poor camel’s back. That was when both brothers became a frog in the life of the other. This simmering rivalry finally exploded and open conflict erupted in the family.

When you are in conflict, you can respond in one of two ways. One way makes peace or keeps the peace. The other way breaks the peace. Peace-breaking actions can occur on opposite ends of the peace-breaking spectrum. You have...
• Escape Responses (Flight. Denial).
• Attack Responses (Intimidation. Force. Assault).

Jacob took the escape route. Esau went on the attack. Both were peace-breakers. Esau’s murderous threats caused Jacob to flee his home and head out on his own. Even though they were not staring one another in the face every day, there was an unresolved conflict in their lives for decades. After decades of staring at and living with the frog, it was time for Jacob to take that first bite. In order for Jacob to exp ...

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