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What Real Repentance Looks Like (1 of 4)
Series: Book of Joel
Jim Perdue
Joel 1:1-2:17

Find in your Bibles the Old Testament prophecy of Joel. I like to hear those pages turning. This morning, we are beginning a brand-new series studying this minor prophet. They are called ‘‘minor prophets’’ not because their message is minor but because their books are not as long as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. You might as well take the bookmark in your Bible and put it right here in this book because we’ll be here for the next several weeks.

We don’t know a great deal about Joel. We do know that his name means ‘‘Jehovah is God.’’ We don’t know who he is. We don’t know where he lived. We don’t know when he lived and we don’t know where he preached. All we have is this brief little book in the Bible. He suddenly appears on the scene, delivers God’s message, and then disappears.

Like all true prophets, Joel was commissioned to call the people back to the worship of the true God; and he did this by declaring ‘‘the word of the Lord.’’ The prophets interpreted historical events in the light of the Word of God to help the people understand God’s will for their lives.

And that’s exactly what Joel does throughout the three chapters of his prophecy. Today, we’re going to begin with Joel 1:1-2:17 and I’m preaching on the subject, What Real Repentance Looks Like. READ 1:1-4, 10, 13-15; 2:1-2, 10-14

*This morning we’re talking about real repentance. That got me to thinking, if there’s such a thing as real repentance, there’s also such as thing as false repentance. There are people who know how to fake it - to pretend like they’re good with God but they really aren’t. How do you spot a fake? How do you know when it’s real? Recently, Stephanie and I traveled to New York with the North American Mission Board. We were touring the city with several other pastors, connecting with local pastors and church planters all throughout the five boroughs of New York. I would say N ...

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