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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25
This content is part of a series.

Assembly Required (17 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 10:19-25

Open your bibles to Hebrews 10. The title of the message is ‘Assembly Required’. This text has nothing to do with putting something together from Ikea. It has to do with consistently showing up and participating in the life of God’s church. Going to church doesn’t MAKE you a Christian, but you do have to go to church and participate in church if you are a Christian. Christ did not die to make His church optional for you. If you are a Christian, church is not optional, it’s mandatory. You do have to go to church, and you do have to gather with the church to be a Christian. In other words, Assembly Is Required.

You say, ‘Pastor Bob, where you find that in the Bible?’ I’m so glad you asked, because the answer is found right where we are today in Hebrews 10:19-25. This is a pivotal point in the book of Hebrews. The tone and tenor move from predominantly doctrinal for the first ten and half chapter to extremely practical. You remember the writer of Hebrews is a pastor and he loves this church he’s writing to, but he’s concerned about them. He’s concerned these Christians were not persevering in faithfulness to Christ and the gospel. Evidently one of the symptoms that some were drifting away from the gospel is that they were routinely missing the worship gatherings of the church. So he essentially says, ‘If you’re going to be a Christian, get to church! And when you gather with God’s church this is how you need to do it.’ Let’s take a look. (READ)

I hope you noticed the corporate emphasis of this passage. Three times the writer makes the emphatic statement of ‘Let Us’. He also repeatedly uses the pronouns us, we, and our. The Christian life is not to have Lone Ranger approach where you don’t need anyone else’s help or input. No one person is the church of Jesus Christ. Each is a member of God’s family. Each is a part of God’s body. Each is a soldier of God’s Army. The idea ...

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