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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 9:1-14
This content is part of a series.

How to Have a Clean Conscience (13 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 9:1-14

Open your bibles to Hebrews 9. It’s interesting to me the things people think are in the bible but aren’t.

- This, too, shall pass. (Is that in 2 Hesitations?) Phrase from a Muslim poet in the Middle Ages.

- God works in mysterious ways. (While that’s true, it’s not a direct biblical quote)

- God helps those who help themselves. (The gospel says opposite-God helps those who can’t help themselves.)

Here’s one that directly relates to what we’re talking about today: Let your conscience be your guide.

That’s not in the Bible. Do you know where that came from? The Disney movie, Pinocchio. Jiminy Cricket sings a little song to Pinocchio that says: Take the straight and narrow path (which ironically IS in the Bible); and if you start to slide-give a little whistle and always let your conscience be your guide.

It’s a nice little song, but it’s wrong. Our conscience is a gift of God to ever person that helps us distinguish between right and wrong. Your conscience can be compared to a compass. When you hold a compass, the needle points to magnetic north. In the same way, we are born with a moral compass that points to right thing to do. Your conscience doesn’t make you do right, or wrong, it just lets you know when you are about to do wrong, and it makes you suffer when you have done wrong. But the Bible teaches that the conscience alone is not an infallible guide. Through repeated sin, our conscience can be defiled, damaged, and even destroyed.

For example, I read that Cambodian dictator Pol Pot murdered between two and seven million of his fellow people. He ordered the murder of everyone who wore eyeglasses, among many other senseless killings. Historians say that his evil deeds were even greater than those of Hitler and Stalin, if possible. Yet just before he died in 1998, he told a reporter that he had a clear conscience! The truth is it wasn’t c ...

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