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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 3:1-6
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When You Feel Like Walking Away (5 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 3:1-6

If you have a bible, please open it to Hebrews 3. The title of the message is ‘When You Feel Like Walking Away’. We are talking about walking away from following Christ and the Christian faith. You might say, ‘Well, that’s not relevant to me. Afterall, I’m here in church.’’

The Barna group is a leading research organization, and they recently found that nearly 75% of young people who claim to be Christians fall away from the Christian faith and leave the church after high school. 3 out of 4 young people abandon their Christian faith when they leave for college. Most never return. But it’s not just young people. In the last two years, we have seen a mass exodus of adults as well. In that time, nearly a third of Christians have decided that being a part of the church is not for them. They walked away from the church with little to no intention of ever returning.

It’s been found that the most common cause of those who leave the church, and their Christian faith is difficulty and strife. Their faith in Christ and His Word could not sustain them in the face of suffering and trying circumstances. You see, it’s one thing to talk about how great the Christian faith is when things are going well, but how well does your faith do when life falls apart? It’s one thing to proclaim the goodness of God when your children are healthy, when your bank account is full, and when your marriage is satisfying. But how much do you believe in the goodness of God when a loved one gets ill or dies, or when you face bankruptcy, or when your mate announces he/she is leaving you? The fact is the reality and durability of our faith is discovered most clearly in the crucible of suffering. We are expected to not only hold on our faith in Jesus Christ in the seasons of success, but also in the seasons of suffering.

If you’ve been with us recently, you know that the book of Hebrews was wri ...

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