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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 2:10-18
This content is part of a series.

Why Does God Allow Suffering? (4 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 2:10-18

If you have a bible, please open it to Hebrews 2. Have you ever had a plan in your mind, but when it came time to execute the plan, things didn’t go as planned? That happened to me out at my place a couple weeks ago. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but I did something out on our property that I immediately regretted. Ha! I was on the back side of our lake fishing. I was on a little broken-down dock that leans down into the water. It’s perfect for fishing, and it allows little critters easily slide up from the water on it to rest and sunbathe. Well, there I was minding my own business fishing when a two-foot copperhead snake slide up on the dock about four feet away from me. I said out loud to it: ‘Are you kidding me? You’ve got this whole lake and all the acreage around it and you have to be right here? Seriously?’ I tried to shoo it away. But it didn’t move. Then I had a thought. I wonder what it will do if I put my hook down in front of it? So I did. Nothing. Didn’t move. Then I thought, ‘I wonder what would happen if I tried to hook him with my fishing hook?’ So I did. I put my hook down next to him, gave a little tug, and hooked him in the side. I immediately regretted it because I miscalculated how angry and aggressive, he would become. So there he is swinging on my line back and forth and when he swung my way he was mad. He’s flipping all over the place trying to bite me and get away. I hate snakes and want nothing to do with him. So he’s trying to get me while I’m trying to get him off. We both want nothing to do with each other. Eventually I cast him out into the water and cut my line. So we’ve got a snake in our lake with a hook in its side telling all the other snakes how he scared the owner half to death.

See, you can have a plan in your mind how to do something or handle something, but when the actual event happens, your plans may not hold up. Mos ...

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