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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Romans 3:2
This content is part of a series.

Solid Bible (5 of 8)
Series: SOLID
Steve Jones
Romans 3:2

Series Summary: This is a topical sermon series on the basic Bible doctrines that form a solid foundation for the Christian life.

Sermon Summary: This sermon focuses on the reliability of the Bible. Say ‘‘Yes’’ to the 1) INSPIRATION of the Bible, 2) The ENTIRE Bible, and 3) To the CLARITY of the Bible.

INTRODUCTION: Few people in public life are as openly hostile to Christianity as media mogul Ted Turner. He once said, ‘‘Christianity is a religion for losers.’’ He blamed his divorce from his third wife, Jane Fonda, partly on her decision to become a practicing Christian. Turner was a deeply religious boy, despite his father’s emotional abuse. He intended at one point to become a missionary. Then, when he was a teenager, his younger sister Mary Jane contracted a form of Lupus, and suffered terribly before dying a relatively short while later. All of his prayers for her recovery - an hour a day, he said - were for nothing. So he concluded that the Bible is not true.

As we live our Christian lives, we can be sure of this: we are going to be faced with situations that cause us to question our comfortable faith in the full authority of the Bible.

For example, this can happen when we come face to face with tragedy: your house burns, or your child dies, or your spouse leaves you, or you contract a deadly disease. It can happen when we begin to be haunted and challenged by difficult doctrinal issues, e.g., do the lost really suffer eternal punishment in hell? Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world? Is marriage really restricted to one man and one woman? Or the questioning of Biblical authority may happen when we find ourselves having to deal with church leaders who are hypocrites or who we feel have treated us unfairly.

In such cases the issue will not so much be whether we understand the Bible correctly, as it is this: ‘‘I know what the Bible says about such things, but is i ...

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