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by Steve Jones

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Solid Giving (7 of 8)
Series: SOLID
Steve Jones
Leviticus 27:30,32

Series Summary: This is a topical sermon series on the basic Bible doctrines that form a solid foundation for the Christian life.

Sermon Summary: Solid giving is giving that meets needs. 1) The Needs of God’s Kingdom workers. 2) The Needs of the Hour. 3) The Needs of our own hearts. 4) The Need to Be Generous.

INTRODUCTION: Years ago, I attended a Christian convention with my home-church preacher, Fred Smith. I was sitting next to him in the congregation at offering time. The minister who had been selected to give the offering meditation went on and on and on. Finally, Fred Smith leaned over to me and whispered, “I’d be willing to give $100 more if he’d just shut up.” I always remembered that comment so whenever I preach on giving my goal is to stand up, speak up and shut up.

Our sermon series is “Solid - A Sure Word for a Shakey World.” Today we want to talk about “Solid Giving.” Why does the Bible tell us to give? We give because of NEED.


By “Kingdom workers” we mean those who do Kingdom work for a living. Though the Old Covenant people of God was a different kind of kingdom, this principle was already being applied there. Under the Old Covenant the entire tribe of Levi, which included the priests, was supported by the tithes and offerings given by the other eleven tribes of Israel. You will remember that God divided the promised land among the “12 tribes of Israel” - but only 11 tribes received land. The tribe of Levi did not receive any, because God chose them to spend their lives tending to the spiritual needs of the other tribes. How did the Levites live, then?

In Leviticus 27:30,32 God commands all Israelites to tithe: “One-tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord and must be set apart to him as holy…Count off every tenth animal from your h ...

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