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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:26-31
This content is part of a series.

Solid Heaven (8 of 8)
Series: SOLID
Steve Jones
Genesis 1:1,26-31

Series Summary: This is a topical sermon series on the basic Bible doctrines that form a solid foundation for the Christian life.

Sermon Summary: This sermon develops the idea that Heaven is the ‘‘new earth’’ of Scripture. 1) God’s original intent. 2) Sin’s Destructive Result. 3) Christ’s Decisive Victory. 4) The Final Chapter.

INTRODUCTION: On October 27, 2004, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. Why was that significant? Because it was the first time for the Red Sox to win the series since 1918, finally vanquishing the so-called ‘‘Curse of the what?’’ The curse of the BAMBINO that had plagued them for 86 years. This misfortune began after the Red Sox sold star player Babe Ruth, sometimes nicknamed ‘‘The Bambino’’, to the NY Yankees in the offseason of 1919-1920. Sometimes to fully understand the significance of a victory, you must go back in time and understand the curse.

We’re going to talk about Heaven today in our ‘‘SOLID’’ sermon series. Heaven is a sure word to a shaky world. But I don’t think we can fully understand and appreciate the nature of Heaven unless we go back in time, all the way back to the beginning and the mother of all curses. That’s what we’re going to do today. Believe it or not, many people don’t want to go to heaven, because they think it will be boring. They won’t necessarily SAY that, but that’s what they’re thinking. That’s what some of us think if we’re honest. The traditional view of heaven - that we will be disembodied spirits floating from cloud to cloud playing harps and singing in a never-ending church service - just doesn’t do it for a lot of people. Life here on Earth, as harsh as it can sometimes be, seems a lot more desirable than that. Well, there’s a reason for that and by the time we’re done this morning, you’re going to know why.


Genesis 1:1,26-31 ‘‘In the ...

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