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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 24:1-66
This content is part of a series.

Boy Meets Girl (32)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 24

Last week we went to a funeral. Sarah, Abraham’s wife of over 100 years, died and we eavesdropped on Abraham’s grief and saw how he responded in faith and with hope. Today, we’ll attend a wedding, Isaac’s wedding. The son of Abraham and Sarah’s old age. We will also take part in the matchmaking process.

As you open your Bibles to Genesis 24, you will be opening them to the longest chapter in the Book of Beginnings. While it is a very interesting story of how boy meets girl, there is much more to this story. In this wonderful and amazing story, we once again see the faith of God’s servant Abraham, the providential hand of God and a beautiful and inspiring OT narrative that foreshadows the work of the Godhead in redemption.

As we work our way through this story, one of the principles we can carry with us is...A People of Faith are Committed to God’s Purpose/Plan.

Sarah was gone. Abraham was 140 and Isaac was a 40-year-old bachelor, which was something that concerned his father. You may ask, ‘‘Why was that a problem for Abraham? What’s wrong with being single? Afterall, in 1 Corinthians the Apostle Paul talks about the benefit of being single and how God calls some to this life, one that allows them to pursue God more fully and freely.’’

There is nothing wrong with being single - unless you are Isaac.

God not only promised Abraham a son but also to make Abraham a great nation. He told Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars above and the sands on the beach. Newsflash. It’s hard for Abraham to become a great nation if the heir to the promise, Isaac, is a 40-year-old bachelor with no wife and no children. Abraham wanted grandchildren. Abraham needed grandchildren. For that to happen, Isaac needed a wife. (That’s the order it is supposed to happen. It’s reversed in our culture and it dishonors the Lord).

The promise, at that moment, was in jeopardy because it was ...

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