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by Dr. Ed Young


I Corinthians 13

Let's go the the Lord in prayer together. Our heavenly Father, it's a
joy and a privilege to be in Thy house. To sing praises unto Thee and to
know that Thou art indeed here tabernacling among us during this
exciting time of listening for Thy still, small voice as You deal with
us individually, oh ever so personally and yea, as You deal with us as a
body of believers, a household of faith. Dear Father, You speak, let me
get out of the way so that Thy word and Thy holy and divine message may
not only be heard. We've heard a lot of singing, we've a lot of prayers,
we've listened to a lot of sermons. But Father, may Thy truth be applied
in a way that it has never been applied before. For we pray through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Do you sometimes feel that your marriage is like the Titanic? You've
run into an iceberg and everything you've ever lived for seems to be
going down into the bottom of the sea. I think we've all felt like that.
Here's a problem, here's a crisis, here is a situation and somehow our
mate is there and we are there, and it's more like head-on tackling than
anything else. And the best analogy we could use, you say, "You know, my
marriage is indeed like an iceberg." But actually the symbolism of the
Titanic running into an iceberg and using this as a crisis in marriage
is really invalid. Because the Titanic is an object, and marriage is a
relationship. Objects can be destroyed just like that. Relationships are
not built just like that, and they cannot be destroyed just like that.
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Relationships happen over a period of years normally. And they build and
are as strong as the experiences that have brought these relationships
into maturity or into fruition. ...

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