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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 47:1-31
This content is part of a series.

The Might of a Mighty Man (47 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 47:1-31

Theme: ‘‘Joseph proved to be a shrewd and successful business man’’

Genesis Series ‘‘Wednesday Night Bible Study’’ Sermon 47 of 50

I - One’s Pleasant Destination (1 - 6)

II - One’s Probing Interaction (7 - 10)

III - One’s Pleasing Provision (11 - 12)

IV - One’s Painful Declaration (13 - 19)

V - One’s Painstaking Subjection (20 - 27)

VI - One’s Pertinent Instruction (28 - 31)

‘‘Leadership is the ability to put the plans into practice, and to accomplish the specified objectives through the skilful management of people, time, and tangible resources. A good leader is one who is able to motivate people; one who is capable of making good decisions, even under pressure or in conditions of uncertainty; one who can guide people through actions as well as words’’.
George Barna

In the story before us we will see that the last two years of the famine are harsh and harrowing, while the people are at their wits end, we find Joseph stepping up to the plate and showing his unique leadership skills. Joseph was not made by the moment, by was made for the moment.

We will find settling down of Joseph’s family and the starvation of Egypt’s people, though one particular man will see that both groups are taken care of as the famine does its dastardly deed.

It was reported that eleven millionaires went down on the Titanic. One of those men was Major A. H. Peuchen and he left $300,000.00 in money, jewelry and securities in a box in his cabin. He was quoted as saying ‘‘The money seemed a mockery at that time.’’ He later said. ‘‘I picked up three oranges instead.’’

When the ship is going down, one’s money and material wealth is of no value, just as in a time of famine you cannot eat gold. The people of Egypt are soon to find out that no amount of money, cattle, or even land, is of any value if you are starving to death.

Joseph is going to rise up and show for ...

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