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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 42:1-38
This content is part of a series.

Payday Is Coming (42 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 42:1–38

Theme: “The siblings of Joseph are about to reap what they had sown”

I – The Stern Demand (1 – 2)
II – The Specified Destination (3 – 5)
III – The Stunning Depiction (6 – 9)
IV – The Son’s Dilemma (10 – 20)
V – The Secret Discussion (21 – 22)
VI – The Shaken Sibling (23 – 24a)
VII – The Surprising Discovery (24b – 28)
VIII – The Somber Denial (29 – 38)

Payday Is Not Always On Friday

An atheist farmer often ridiculed those who believe in God. He wrote a letter to the local newspaper in which he scoffed, “I plowed on Sunday, planted on Sunday, cultivated on Sunday, and hauled in my crops on Sunday; but I never went to church on Sunday. Yet I harvested more bushels per acre than anyone else, even those who are God-fearing and never miss a service.”

The editor printed the man’s letter and then added this remark: “God doesn’t always settle His accounts in October.”

The Widow-Maker

Last year I suffered what is referred to as a heart attack. I got to the hospital in time, so there was no any major damage. I had one artery known as the "Widow Maker" that was 90% blocked, which seemed to be a very serious thing.

Who knew I even had a heart, but doctors are always right.

Coming home from the hospital, I had all kinds of medications to take twice a day, and my blood pressure needed to be taken twice a day as well. I didn't think all of this was necessary, but doctors are always right. Fortunate for me, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage took over as my in-house medical supervisor.
Please do not ask me what that means because I have no idea. She took care of all of my medication every day as well as taking my blood pressure. I had no obvious after effects of this heart attack, and I seem to be doing just fine.

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage several times a day would ask me, "How do you feel today?" The first time she asked this, I smiled and chirp ...

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