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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 40:1-23
This content is part of a series.

It Was Part of a Plan (40 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 40:1-23

Theme: ‘‘Joseph having an extended stay in prison was part of the plan’’

I - The Palace Prisoners (1 - 3)
II - The Perturbing Perplexity (4 - 6)
III - The Prayerful Proposal (7 - 15)
IV - The Painful Presentation (16 - 19)
V - The Prevailing Prediction (20 - 22)
VI - The Plans Paused (23)


The story is told about a lady who called American Airlines and asked the reservation clerk, ‘‘How long does it take to get from Dallas-Fort Worth to Frankfort, Germany?’’

The clerk had to wait a moment for the information to come up on her computer screen, so she said, ‘‘Just a minute.’’

The caller responded, ‘‘Thanks very much,’’ and hung up! Most of the things that really matter in life do not happen in ‘‘just a minute.’’

Connie Mack - Baseball Manager

Connie Mack was one of the greatest managers in the history of baseball. One of the secrets of his success was that he knew how to lead and inspire men. He knew that people were individuals. Once, when his team had clinched the pennant well before the season ended, he gave his two best pitchers the last ten days off so that they could rest up for the World Series.

One pitcher spent his ten days off at the ball park; the other went fishing. Both performed brilliantly in the World Series. Mack never criticized a player in front of anyone else. He learned to wait 4 hours before discussing mistakes with players. Otherwise, he said, he dealt with goofs too emotionally.

In the first three years as a major league baseball manager, Connie Mack’s team’s finished sixth, seventh, and eighth. He took the blame and demoted himself to the minor leagues to give himself time to learn how to handle men.
When he came back to the major leagues again, he handled his players so successfully that he developed the best teams the world had ever known up to that time. ...

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