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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 50:1-26
This content is part of a series.

The End of an Era (50 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 50:1-26

Theme: ‘‘The Book of Genesis comes to a stunning ending’’

Genesis Series ‘‘Wednesday Night Bible Study’’ Sermon 50 of 50

I - The Time Period (1 - 3)

II - The Trip Proposed (4 - 6)

III - The Throng Portrayed (7 - 11)

IV - The Tearful Place (12 - 13)

V - The Terror Pondered (14 - 21)

VI - The Thankful Picture (22 - 23)

VII - The Trusting Promise (24 - 26)

Only God Can Take Evil and Make it Good

Deu 29:29a KJV - The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God...

Max Lucado in his book entitled, ‘‘The Applause of Heaven’’ tells about a young man, Robert Reed, who had cerebral palsy and how he affected the crowd he was speaking to, which included Max Lucado in the audience.

Robert can’t brush his teeth or comb his hair or bath himself. He can’t dress himself, or button his shirt. He has Velcro on all his clothes to keep them together. He can’t take a walk. He can’t go from one place to another by his own power. But his handicap did not rob him of graduating from high school and finally earning a degree from Abilene Christian College.

Robert decided that he would study to be a missionary, and then took 5 trips to different missionary fields. Finally he settled in Lisbon, Portugal.

Robert found a hotel owner who would rent him a ground-floor room. He found a restaurant owner who would feed him after hours each day. He found a tutor who would teach him the language. And every day he wheeled out to the city park and passed out Christian literature to people who walked by.

One day Robert spoke to this huge crowd of Christian leaders including Max with his voice that sounded like a record player whose batteries are about to run down. He told them about the love of God through Jesus Christ. In 6 years Robert Reed won more than 70 people to Jesus.
One of them was a young girl by the name of Rosa, who later became his wife.

Max writes, ‘‘I sa ...

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