Transcriibed frm ai@a"I tape of se-i-mon- Jljnje 3, 1979 AM
Matthew 5:38-42
Mabel Williamson, a former missionary to Old China, under the Chinese Inland Mission -
came back to America and wrote a book about her experiences there on that Foreign Field.
She said, "I was prepared when I went to China, to eat bitterness - but" she said, "I
was not prepared to eat loss." To eat bitterness is a Chinese idiom, which means to
suffer and to be humiliated. It means to endure hardship and Mabel Williamson said, "I
was totally prepared to eat bitterness." She said, "We would walk for 20 or 30 miles
a day - we would go to that village and we would placard the city; we would announce the
services that would come; we would try to deal physically with various diseases that we
knew nothing about." She said, "We would work and preach and share and listen and heal
and minister for 16 or 18 hours a day." And she said, "At night we would set up those
saw horses and put boards across them and that would be our bed." She said, "We did
this day after day - trying to get accustomed to the Chinese diet, which consisted
primarily of rice and sometimes some beans or some greens." Mabel Williamson said, "I
was prepared for this - the hardship - the suffering - to eat bitterness." But she said,
I was NOT prepared to eat loss." And the phrase eat loss is a Chinese idiom, which means
that you lose the right to yourself. You are disenfranchised - you've become a nonentity.
Williamson said, "That was the most difficult time - as far as my missionary service was
We hear this question many times. It's popular among Christians today, We hear it asked
something like this: What right do I have as a Christian? As a C ...
Matthew 5:38-42
Mabel Williamson, a former missionary to Old China, under the Chinese Inland Mission -
came back to America and wrote a book about her experiences there on that Foreign Field.
She said, "I was prepared when I went to China, to eat bitterness - but" she said, "I
was not prepared to eat loss." To eat bitterness is a Chinese idiom, which means to
suffer and to be humiliated. It means to endure hardship and Mabel Williamson said, "I
was totally prepared to eat bitterness." She said, "We would walk for 20 or 30 miles
a day - we would go to that village and we would placard the city; we would announce the
services that would come; we would try to deal physically with various diseases that we
knew nothing about." She said, "We would work and preach and share and listen and heal
and minister for 16 or 18 hours a day." And she said, "At night we would set up those
saw horses and put boards across them and that would be our bed." She said, "We did
this day after day - trying to get accustomed to the Chinese diet, which consisted
primarily of rice and sometimes some beans or some greens." Mabel Williamson said, "I
was prepared for this - the hardship - the suffering - to eat bitterness." But she said,
I was NOT prepared to eat loss." And the phrase eat loss is a Chinese idiom, which means
that you lose the right to yourself. You are disenfranchised - you've become a nonentity.
Williamson said, "That was the most difficult time - as far as my missionary service was
We hear this question many times. It's popular among Christians today, We hear it asked
something like this: What right do I have as a Christian? As a C ...
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