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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: MATTHEW 5:1-3


"HAPPINESS IS ... POVERTY."' Matthew 5:3

It was a hot, sultry day. The wind was blowing, offering a little bit of relief

from the ancient sea, but yet as the clamoring of voices began to be heard, the

little dust would blow the whirlwinds around the winding road. The news was

broadcast abroad: Jesus is coming to Galilee! From Decapolis, from beyond Samaria,

from the other side of the Jordan, Judea, and all over the area people were coming

because Jesus was coming. Someone said he would be here; another said he would

be there; and so they were gathering. Then coming over the top of a hill there

at a road leading from Capernaum there was thirteen robed men. They made their

way down that hill and went to the apex of the highest little hill in the area.

The crowd began to gather, friend greeting friend, and then finally Jesus climbed

on top of a large rock and was seated and motioned all the people to sit down. And

then he opened his mouth and spoke the most sublime, devine words this world has

ever heard. Jesus of Nazareth delivered the immortal Sermon on the Mount, measured,

simple, plain, yet devinely profound.

As we begin our study of this message encompassing many months, I have been praying
for myself and I have been praying for you; but I trust that as we study these
words of Jesus Christ, this message will be like a physicians diagnosis, saying
to me and saying to you what's wrong with our living. The Holy Spirit will look
at your life and look at my life as we go through these pages as a physician observes
a patient. Also, I trust this message will be like a surgeon's knife that will come
and cut out and cut off in my life or in your life that which is unpleasing to God -
an attitude, a temperment, a feeling, a spirit, a habit - a surgeon's knife. Also,
I pray that this message will be for us a chemist's balm, a salve, an ...

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