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by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-19
This content is part of a series.

End-Time Key (19 of 22)
Series: Keys of the Kingdom
Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Peter 4

Series Summary: This is an expository sermon series through I Peter. Jesus gave to Peter the ‘‘Keys of the Kingdom’’ (Matthew 16:19). ‘‘Keys’’ will be the uniting theme for the series.

Sermon Summary: We are prepared for the end-time by living 1) Timely, 2) Sober, 3) Prayerful, 4) Love.

INTRODUCTION: On August 2nd, 2022, the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, ‘‘Today, humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.’’

In 1945, Albert Einstein helped establish the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who two years later created the Doomsday Clock to represent the time left until a global apocalypse called ‘‘midnight’’. As of March 7, 2022, the ‘‘Doomsday Clock,’’ sits at 100 seconds to midnight.

Aren’t you glad you came to church today?

‘‘THE END IS NEAR.’’ Is it? Really? Well, that’s what the Bible says. Today, we get to talk about being prepared for the end of all things.

I Pt. 4:7 ‘‘The end of all things is near.’’


I Pt. 4:7 ‘‘The end of all things is near.’’

Just what do we MEAN by the ‘‘end of all things.’’ Take that ‘‘Doomsday clock’’ for instance, that is currently set at 100 seconds to midnight. When it was created back in 1947 it was SEVEN MINUTES to midnight. So, this is kind of a SLOW clock. In 2019 it was TWO MINUTES to midnight. Now three years later it is one hundred seconds to midnight. And sometimes it even runs backwards when things are looking up. It reminds me of the parent who tells little Johnny he better obey by the time I count to three. ‘‘One, two, 2 and ½. 2 and ¾.’’ You’re never going to get there. What does Peter mean by ‘‘The end of all things is near’’? Didn’t he say that 2000 years ago yet ‘‘all things’’ are still here.

When Peter says, ‘‘the end of all things,’’ it is generally agreed that he is referring to the end of the c ...

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