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CLEAN KEY (10 OF 22)

by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-3
This content is part of a series.

Clean Key (10 of 22)
Series: Keys of the Kingdom
Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-3

Series Summary: This is an expository sermon series through I Peter. Jesus gave to Peter the ‘‘Keys of the Kingdom’’ (Matthew 16:19). ‘‘Keys’’ will be the uniting theme for the series.

Sermon Summary: This sermon uses the analogy of ‘‘cleaning out the refrigerator’’ to delve into practical instruction on holy living, including: 1) Nasty Stuff to Throw Away, 2) Stuff We should constantly crave.

Introductory: I Pt.2:2 ‘‘Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word’’. The reference to milk in verse 2 reminds me of a household chore that is necessary from time to time: cleaning out the refrigerator. In our home we usually do that on Monday night because it’s the night before the garbage is picked up. So our refrigerator is typically clean but every once in a while we have a UFO - ‘‘Unidentified Fridge Object.’’ Like the time a month ago when I discovered what must have been a ‘‘strawberry’’ that had fallen underneath the vegetable crisper and escaped detection for about a year. I named it ‘‘Seymore!’’

I did some research on the difference between the ‘‘sell by’’ date and the ‘‘best if used by’’ date. Do you know the difference? A ‘‘sell by’’ date tells the store how long to display the product for sale for inventory management. It is not a safety date. A ‘‘Best if Used by’’ date indicates when a product will be of best flavor or quality. It is not a safety date either. Canned beans are essentially ‘‘safe’’ to eat forever.

If we think of our lives as being like that ‘‘fridge,’’ these verses at the beginning of I Peter 2 tell us that there are some rotten things in there that need to be thrown away, and that there is one item that we must always be stocked up on.

But before we get started on that, I want to do a little review. We’re going to spend the next two months in I Peter 2. The series is called ‘‘Keys to the Kingdom.’’ It has been two months s ...

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