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by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Trinity Key (2 of 22)
Series: Keys of the Kingdom
Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-2

Series Summary: This is an expository sermon series through I Peter. Jesus gave to Peter the “Keys of the Kingdom” (Matthew 16:19). “Keys” will be the uniting theme for the series.

Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the role of each member of the trinity in our salvation - with a SURPRISE application to ADDICTIONS!

INTRODUCTION: On February 17, 2021, Ashley Judd thanked the men and women who rescued her in the Congo after she broke her leg in a remote rainforest. They transported her on a more than two-day journey to a hospital. "Without my Congolese brothers & sisters, my internal bleeding would have likely killed me, & I would have lost my leg," the actress wrote on Instagram. "I wake up weeping in gratitude, deeply moved by each person who contributed something life giving during my grueling 55-hour odyssey."
Recalling how she tripped over a tree in the dark, Judd described how a man named Dieumerci "stretched out his leg & put it under my grossly misshapen left leg to try to keep it still. It was broken in 4 places and had nerve damage." He "remained seated, without fidgeting or flinching, for 5 hours on the rain forest floor. He was with me in my primal pain. He was my witness."

Another man, Papa Jean, "calmly assessed my broken leg. He told me what he had to do. I bit a stick & Papa Jean began to manipulate & adjust my broken bones back into something like a position I could be transported in, while I screamed & writhed. How he did that so methodically while I was like an animal is beyond me. He saved me & he had to do this twice!" She then was taken by motorbike on a six-hour ride "on an irregular, rutted & pocked dirt road." A man named Didier drove while "I sat facing backwards, his back my backrest. When I would begin to slump, to pass out, he would call to me to reset my position to lean on him." The star eventually was flown to Sunninghill Hosp ...

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