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by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1
This content is part of a series.

Identity Key (1 of 22)
Series: Keys of the Kingdom
Steve Jones
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1

Series Summary: This is an expository sermon series through I Peter. Jesus gave to Peter the ‘‘Keys of the Kingdom’’ (Matthew 16:19). ‘‘Keys’’ will be the uniting theme for the series.

Sermon Summary: This sermon centers on I Peter 1:1 and illustrates the ways in which we can identify with Peter’s first readers as 1) Aliens, 2) Scattered and 3) Chosen.

INTRODUCTION: (From the Reader’s Digest) After a meeting several days ago, I couldn’t find my keys. I quickly gave myself a personal ‘‘TSA pat down.’’ They weren’t in my pockets. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My wife has scolded me many times for leaving my keys in the car’s ignition. She’s afraid that the car could be stolen. As I looked around the parking lot, I realized she was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all to my wife: ‘‘I left the keys in the car, and it’s been stolen.’’ There was a moment of silence. I thought the call had been disconnected, but then I heard her voice. ‘‘Are you kidding me?’’ she said, ‘‘I DROPPED YOU OFF!’’ Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, ‘‘Well, can you come and get me?’’ She retorted, ‘‘I will, as soon as I convince this cop that I didn’t steal your car!’’

Keys are important. How many times have you left your keys with the cashier only to have someone run them out and say, ‘‘You won’t get far without these!’’ When celebrities or heroes revisit a town, they are sometimes celebrated and given a ‘‘Key to the City.’’ In that case the key is not actually functional, it’s more of a ceremonial honor. But it might still be valuable.

In 1990, singer/actress Cher was given the key to the city of Adelaide Australia and later sold it ...

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