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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Luke 15:25-32
This content is part of a series.

The Elder Son (2 of 3)
Series: Prodigal Son
Josh Malone
Luke 15:25-32

ILLUS. - Sometimes you are watching a story and you are trying to figure out ... ‘‘Who’s the good guy and who’s the bad guy?’’ - Our kids are like that ... Cannon especially used to ask ... ‘‘Is he the bad guy?’’ - Sometimes I have to say well ... it’s complicated. I think in the story of the Prodigal Son as the Pharisees and Scribes listened ... when Jesus got to the elder brother they probably initially thought ... ‘‘Ah finally the good guy!’’ - But it was complicated. - As we are going to see ... sometimes those that look good on the outside can be far from God on the inside. That’s the elder brother.

We’re in a series on the PRODIGAL SON ... Remember - Jesus Was criticized by the Pharisees and Scribes for receiving sinners, for eating with them. These religious elites were highly critical of this. Jesus gave them 3 parables teaching them how God receives and rejoices over repentant sinners. - The implication is they are out of step with the heart of God. God loves for sinners to be found, for them to repent. All of Heaven rejoices as should we. It’s not Jesus that’s out of step ... it was them.

The final story was the story of the Prodigal Son. A man has to young sons .... the younger decides he wants his inheritance now. So he asks for it, this would be like 1/3 of the estate. This was a scandalous thing to ask for. The father gives it to him. - He leaves town and blows it ALL. - Wastes it on wild living. - He’s out of money and needs a job. - He goes to work helping a man who sells pigs, he feeds them. - Not a good gig for this young Jewish man. - He is so bad off he longs to eat the pigs food. Then he sobers up ... comes to himself. He remembers his dad’s servants have it better than him. Since he blew it as a son he will go back and see if he can just get a job as a servant. - He heads home. - While he’s a long way off the father SAW HIM, felt COMPASSION for him, RAN, EMB ...

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