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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
This content is part of a series.

Love, Grace, and Joy (3 of 3)
Series: Prodigal Son
Josh Malone
Luke 15:11-32

Once again, Happy Mother’s Day! - Today we conclude our 3 week series on the Prodigal Son. - None of us maybe understands unconditional love like the father in this story shows ... as well as the mothers. - Many times in our society mothers are, and rightly so, held up as an example of unconditional love, a ‘‘mother’s love.’’ - That’s why we have sayings like, ‘‘He has a face only a mother can love.’’

You may wonder in today’s story ... ‘‘Where is the mother?’’ - Well, she’s not there. It’s a fictional story. But we can imagine she would been right there celebrating too, because mom’s love their kids. And Christians mothers want to see their kids know, love, and serve the Lord. I think today the mother’s in the room can relate to the love and joy of this father in this story. This father that points us Heavenward ... and gives us an example as well of how the posture we should all have in seeing the lost repent and come home.

Recap: Jesus has been criticized for eating and drinking with sinners and tax collectors. Jesus gives 3 parables, lost sheep, lost coin, lost son ... to show them how God celebrates when lost sinners repent of their sin. In doing so, he is rebuking their notions and inviting them to repent and get right with God. - The final parable, is the Prodigal Son. We’ve seen prodigal in the story and how he teaches us by God’s grace anyone can repent and find forgiveness. The elder son shows us you can think you are close to God, look like it on the outside, but in your heart be far from Him. - Now we look at the father. The father would have been the most shocking character in the story to the religious people. His grace, His unconditional love, His mercy would have been shocking, overwhelming. - They would have been offended by it! Just as they were offended by Jesus receiving repentant sinners. - Let’s read ... notice the ACTIONS and WORDS of the father ... ...

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