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by James Merritt

Scripture: Exodus 1:8-22, Exodus 2:1-10

Miracle In The Mirror (1 of 8)
Series: Red Sea Moments
James Merritt
Exodus 1:8-2:10


1. It is the most helpless and frightening situation I had ever faced in my life. We had just recently moved back to Atlanta. We had left my two oldest sons, James and Jonathan who were seven and four respectively with my dad while my mother, Teresa and I went shopping. We were coming back home, but right below our house were some railroad tracks and we had to stop for the train to come by. We looked up the hill where our house was and to our horror there was James and Jonathan playing right out in the middle of the road close to the top of the hill. Somehow, they got out of my dad’s sight and this was a road where a lot of traffic passed by and if a car had come over that hill there was no way they would have not been hit.

2. They couldn’t hear us scream or yell. They couldn’t even see us because of the train. It seemed like that train took forever and it was gut wrenching and nerve wracking. All I could do facing an impossible situation was to ask God to intervene. Thankfully, no car came over that hill and you know the rest of the story. For me, it was a definite Red Sea moment. If you live long enough you will have your own Red Sea moments where you are in such an impossible situation where it looks like there is no way out, no way up, and no way back unless God comes through.

3. Just those two words, ‘‘Red Sea,’’ ought to make you automatically think of someone if you know anything about the Bible. I could say ‘‘Garden of Eden’’ and you would think of Adam and Eve. I could say, ‘‘The Ark,’’ and you would think of Noah. I could say ‘‘Goliath’’ and you would think of David. I could say ‘‘the lion’s den’’ and you would think of Daniel. I could say ‘‘whale’’ and you would think of Jonah. When I say ‘‘Red Sea’’ you think of.....Moses. In case you have never heard of Moses let me familiarize you with him.

4. Except of course for Jesus, no giant cast ...

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