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by James Merritt

Scripture: Exodus 2:23-24, Exodus 3:1-22

Don’t Beat Around The Bush (2 of 8)
Series: Red Sea Moments
James Merritt
Exodus 2:23-3


1. George W. Bush was in an airport lobby and he noticed a man in a long flowing white robe with a long flowing white beard and long flowing white hair. The man had a staff in one hand and stone tablets under the other arm. He approached the man and said, ‘‘Excuse me. Are you Moses?’’ The man just ignored him and stared at the ceiling. The former President positioned himself just directly in the man’s view and said, ‘‘Are you Moses?’’ The man continued to stare at the ceiling. Finally, President Bush tugged at the man’s sleeve and said, ‘‘Are you Moses?’’ The man finally responded in a very irritated voice, ‘‘Yes, I am get away from me.’’ When Mr. Bush asked him why he was so irritable the man said, ‘‘The last time I spoke to a bush I had to spend forty years in the desert!’’

2. If you are familiar with the story of Moses then you will understand the humor of that. If you are not, you will be after today as we continue our series on the life of Moses that we are calling ‘‘Red Sea Moments.’’ When we last left Moses, he had just be rescued from a basket made of reeds as a baby and adopted into Pharoah’s household. He spends the next forty years growing up as Egyptian royalty. He was the adopted son of Pharoah’s daughter, educated at the University of Egypt, wore the finest of clothes, and had servants at his beck and call.

3. The lady that helped raise him was his own mother who taught him that he was an Israelite. One day, he sees an Egyptian beating one of his countrymen, took matters into his own hands and killed this Egyptian. When he tried to cover up the deed, the body was discovered and Moses had to flee. He goes out into the middle of the desert to a placed called Midian. He becomes a shepherd, marries a woman, has a family, goes from the penthouse to the outhouse. He seems resigned that this is where he is going to spend the rest of his life ...

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