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by Marvin D. Patterson

Scripture: Philippians 2:22-30

Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus
Marvin D. Patterson
Philippians 2:22-30

A preacher had just died and is in line to go to heaven...
There is a guy in front of him waiting to go to Heaven, too.
The preacher asks the guy, ‘‘what did you do in your life?’’
The guy replies, ‘‘Well, I was a bus driver. But I always stole and cheated and broke the law a lot. ‘‘The preacher says, ‘‘In my life I was a preacher. I always gave to charity and was nice to people and gave the longest sermons.’’

Eventually the bus driver walks up to St. Peter and they talk for a few minutes. Then the bus driver walks into heaven. The preacher walks up to St. Peter. St. Peter says, ‘‘So, what did you do in your life?’’ The preacher says, ‘‘Well, I was a preacher. I was always doing good things and following the commandments. Do I get to go to heaven? St. Peter says, ‘‘I don’t know...’’ ‘‘What!’’ says the preacher. ‘‘How come that bus driver got to go to heaven?’’ ‘‘Well,’’ explains St. Peter. ‘‘When you gave your sermons, everyone was always falling asleep. But when he drove his bus, everyone was always praying.

The letter now returns to personal matters. Paul was going to send Timothy later and Epaphroditus right away; he wanted them to be accepted as his representatives with his authority. No one else with him then, except Timothy, had the interest of Christ at heart (Phil. 2:21). Epaphroditus was a leader in the Philippian church who brought the financial gift to Paul and whom Paul sent home with this letter (Phil. 2:25).-Ryrie Study Notes


1-Paul’s relationship with Timothy

22 But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel.

Paul is telling the Philippian believers that he is sending a great Christian servant named Timothy to help with their church. Paul points out the faithfulness of young Timothey, and looked at Timothy as one of his sons in the Lord! When you lead someone to Christ, you are seeing a baby ...

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