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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Mark 2:3
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Capernaum (Serving God) (3 of 8)
Series: Holy Land Highlights
Jordan Easley
Mark 2:3

When you truly experience God-you should naturally want to serve God.

Do you remember the story [in Luke chapter 7] where Jesus was reclining at the table with a woman that was known as a sinner? The Bible says she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, dropped to her knees, and began washing Jesus’ feet with her tears. Do you remember this story?

If so, you’ll remember... the religious people of that day, [The Pharisees] were watching the whole thing play out... and they rebuked Jesus and said [in v.39] ‘‘This man, if he were a prophet, would know who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him-she’s a sinner!’’

When religion deemed her hopeless, Jesus became her hope. You see, in this story, this despised woman... this sinful woman... was saved by Christ, and do you know what he said about her in [v. 47]? He said... ‘‘those who’ve been forgiven much, love much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.’’

When you truly experience God and are forgiven by God-you should naturally want to serve God. Has anyone here been forgiven of much? (show of hands) If we’ve been forgiven of much, we should love much... and if we love much, we should serve the One who forgave us and saved us.

Question of the day: How do we love much and serve the God who saved us?

I’m hoping to address that question today by looking at a story in God’s word that’s recorded in 3 of the 4 gospels (Luke 5, Matthew 9...) and today we’re going to be in [Mark chapter 2].

2 When he entered Capernaum again after some days, it was reported that he was at home. For this season in Jesus’ life, this is where Jesus called home. In fact, the house this refers to is Peter’s Mother-in-laws house: the home where Peter and Andrew lived.

This house wasn’t very large. It only had a couple rooms, separated by rock walls. Archeologists have also revealed that at the very center of the h ...

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