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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 27:35
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection of Jesus (1 of 4)
Series: The Four Resurrections
Steve Jones
Matthew 27:35

SERIES SUMMARY: There are four resurrections of importance to all Christians. They are 1) The resurrection of Jesus, 2) The resurrection of baptism, 3) The resurrection of the spirit, and 4) The resurrection of the body. Each sermon in this series will deal with one of those respective resurrections.

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon looks at the four facts regarding Jesus’ resurrection about which there is virtual unanimity among historians. The most reasonable explanation for these historical facts is that Jesus of Nazareth arose from the dead.

Introduction: In First Corinthians 15:14 the Apostle Paul makes this stunning statement. ‘‘If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain.’’ In other words, if Jesus isn’t raised from the dead - I mean, really, bodily, truly...GO HOME - because Christianity is a farce. That’s what Paul was saying. That may seem unsettling until we realize how firm a foundation we have for the resurrection. If you’re a skeptic, I’m not asking you to believe just because the Bible says it. That is not compelling for someone outside of Christ. But I want to tell you four things, that virtually every historian believes about the resurrection. And if YOU believe these four things, then the only reasonable explanation that I can come to, is that Jesus literally, bodily rose from the dead. Four simple facts.

I. Jesus of Nazareth was executed by crucifixion

Mt.27:35 ‘‘When they had crucified him’’

Mk.15:24 ‘‘And they crucified him’’

Lk.23:33 ‘‘They crucified him’’

Jn.19:18 ‘‘There they crucified him’’

Do you believe that? Sure. It’s pretty obvious that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. He’s mentioned not only in the Bible but in other documents in history. Josephus and Tacitus for instance.

Flavius Josephus (ca.37-ca.100) ultimately became the greatest Jewish historian of hi ...

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