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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Luke 5:31-32
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection of Baptism (2 of 4)
Series: The Four Resurrections
Steve Jones
Luke 5:31-32

SERIES SUMMARY: There are four resurrections of importance to all Christians. They are 1) The resurrection of Jesus, 2) The resurrection of baptism, 3) The resurrection of the spirit, and 4) The resurrection of the body. Each sermon in this series will deal with one of those respective resurrections.

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon takes a look at the second of the ‘‘four resurrections’’ - baptism. 1) God diagnosis our problem. 2) God creates a cure. 3) God writes a prescription. 4) God gets pushback.

INTRODUCTION: If you are in a boat on the surface of a river or lake, and the water is crystal clear, you’re often able to see down to the bottom. But the bottom will always appear to be shallower than it really is. That is because the water bends or refracts the light that is bouncing off the river bottom. The water is deeper than it looks.

Baptism is like that. Most of us have seen a baptism. They’re pretty straight-forward. Someone is immersed under the water and then they’re raised back up out of the water. But like that river bottom, the truth about baptism is much deeper than what meets the eye.

Last Sunday we talked about the physical resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. But out of that resurrection flows three more resurrections. These three resurrections must be experienced by us if we’re to take our place in the Kingdom of God. Let’s talk today about the resurrection that is baptism. To do that, we first have to take a step back and discuss what Jesus’ death and resurrection actually accomplished.


Luke 5:31-32 ‘‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’’

Our problem is sin. Jesus said the reason he came was to call sinners to repentance. So, according to Jesus, our problem is sin. We sin when, in rebellion, we break the law ...

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