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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Titus 3:5
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection of Our Spirit (3 of 4)
Series: The Four Resurrections
Steve Jones
Titus 3:5

SERIES SUMMARY: There are four resurrections of importance to all Christians. They are 1) The resurrection of Jesus, 2) The resurrection of baptism, 3) The resurrection of the spirit, and 4) The resurrection of the body. Each sermon in this series will deal with one of those respective resurrections.

SERMON SUMMARY: In this sermon we consider the third of the ‘‘four resurrections’’ and that is the SPIRITUAL RESURRECTION. 1) What IS the spiritual resurrection? 2) Is it just ME or is it HARD to be good? 3) WHY is it still hard to be good? 4) HOW can I ‘‘lean into’’ the Holy Spirit?

Introduction: We’re in a mini-sermon-series entitled ‘‘The FOUR Resurrections’’. We started on Easter Sunday by talking about the physical resurrection of Jesus and the four historical facts that is based upon. Last week we talked about the SECOND resurrection which is BAPTISM. In that sermon last week on baptism, I ALLUDED to the THIRD resurrection which we might call our SPIRITUAL resurrection. But today I want to do a deeper dive into the spiritual resurrection. Every Christian experiences a SPIRITUAL resurrection. Today, I want to ask and answer 4 questions about the spiritual resurrection.


The SPIRITUAL resurrection happens IN baptism and it is when God the Holy Spirit regenerates our dead hearts. We have the actual word ‘‘regeneration’’ in the book of Titus.

Titus 3:5 ‘‘God saved us by the washing of REGENERATION and renewing by the Holy Spirit.’’ The word translated ‘‘regeneration’’ is ‘‘palingenesia’’. It’s meaning stems from the Greek word ‘‘palin’’ meaning ‘‘again’’ and ‘‘genesis’’ meaning ‘‘birth’’: ‘‘Born again.’’ You will recall that in John 3 Jesus told Nicodemus that unless you are ‘‘born again’’ of the water and spirit you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Well that new birth of water and spirit is part of what ...

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