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by Steve Jones

Scripture: John 5:28-29
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection of Our Body (4 of 4)
Series: The Four Resurrections
Steve Jones
John 5:28-29

SERIES SUMMARY: There are four resurrections of importance to all Christians. They are 1) The resurrection of Jesus, 2) The resurrection of baptism, 3) The resurrection of the spirit, and 4) The resurrection of the body. Each sermon in this series will deal with one of those respective resurrections.

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon deals with the fourth of the ‘‘four resurrections’’ - the resurrection of the body at Jesus’ return. We’ll address WHY our FUTURE resurrection is relevant TODAY. 1) Because it will happen to all of us. 2) Because it helps assuage our FOMO and SOMO. 3) Because our present choices are DETERMINENT.

INTRODUCTION: Let me tell you a story. When George turned 21, he decided to start investing $200 a month every year for nine years. At age 30, he decided to stop investing altogether. So, at age 68, how much money did George have in his account assuming an average 10% interest rate? Let’s do the math.

At the end of nine years, George invested a total of $21,600, didn’t invest another dime, and ended up with close to $2.35 million at age 68. That’s the magic of compound growth. I KNEW this when I was 21 years old, but I didn’t DO this when I was 21 years old. Do you know why? Because I was 21 years old...and 68 years old looked oh so far away. Now? Not so much.

And that’s the problem with the fourth resurrection. As you know, we’re in a sermon series entitled the four resurrections. The first resurrection we talked about was Jesus’ resurrection. The second resurrection flows from Jesus’ resurrection and that is baptism. The third resurrection happens WHEN we’re baptized and that is the SPIRITUAL resurrection. The fourth and final resurrection is the resurrection of the body at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Our bodily resurrection is the ONLY one of the four that is in the FUTURE, rather than the past or the present. So, one might ...

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