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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 37:17-36
This content is part of a series.

Plots, Pits, and God’s Providence (37 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 37:18-36

Theme: God needed Joseph down in Egypt, but look how he got there

I - The Espionage Revealed (18 - 20)
II - The Emphatic Resistor (21 - 22)
III - The Ensuing Response (23 - 24)
IV - The Exchange Reported (25 - 28)
V - The Emotional Reaction (29 - 30)
VI - The Elaborate Racket (31 - 35)
VII - The Exiled Relative (36)

You Never Know

In ‘‘Winnie-the-Pooh,’’ Pooh and Piglet take an evening walk. For a long time they walk in companionable silence. Finally, Piglet breaks the silence and asks, ‘‘When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you say to yourself?’’ ‘‘What’s for breakfast?’’ answers Pooh. ‘‘And what do you say, Piglet? I say ‘‘I wonder what exciting thing is going to happen today?’’ Small expectations yield meager results. Unhealthy visions produce sick congregations.

I wonder what Joseph thought the day held for him, I dare say he never expected to be in a pit, narrowly escaping death, before being sold as a slave.


The word ‘Providence’ is made up of two words:

Pro’’ means ‘‘Before’’ and ‘‘Video’’ means ‘‘to see’’;

The word ‘Providence’ simply means ‘‘to see before’’

So when we talk about the providence of God;

We mean that God ‘sees before’ and plans accordingly.

Joseph only knew that one day he would rule and reign over his entire family, but he could not see that God would need him to become a slave to do so!!!
Charlie Stoltzfus

One of my favorite stories about intercessory prayer comes from Tony Campolo.

A prayer meeting was held for him just before he spoke at a Pentecostal college chapel service. Eight men took Tony to a back room of the chapel, had him kneel, laid their hands on his head, and began to pray. That’s a good thing, Tony wrote, except that they prayed a long time, and the longer they prayed, the more tired they got, and the more tired they got, the more they leaned on hi ...

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