What’s In You? (11 of 31)
Series: The Gospel of John
Tim Badal
John 7:25-52
We’re in a series called ‘‘The Gospel of John.’’ This book was written by Jesus’ closest friend and associate, the Apostle John. John wrote this book in three sections. In the first section, he introduces us to Jesus, to know something about Who He was, where He came from and what He was all about. Then in these middles chapters, where we find ourselves today, we learn more things through His teachings and His miracles. We see what His passions and goals are. Then later, beginning in John 12, we learn to trust Jesus with our lives, even as His disciples were learning. He spent time with them, especially in the upper room, explaining to them what was about to happen to Him. They then had to decide if they would be willing to trust His words and power, even if they became social outcasts for doing that. So in summary, John helps us meet Jesus and learn about Him, in order that we might be able to trust Him. At the end of his Gospel, John explains that he had written all these things so that his readers, including you and me, might believe.
Today Jesus is inviting us through this story to the living water than only He can provide. In John 7, Jesus is at a festival in Jerusalem-one of the annual obligatory Jewish festivals called the Festival of the Tabernacles or booths. It was a celebration commemorating when the Israelites were freed from Egypt and led by God into the wilderness. They actually stayed there 40 years. These weren’t easy years and there were many situations about which the people grumbled and in which they even rebelled. Nonetheless, God continued to serve them with a gracious and mighty hand, protecting them and providing for them. Jesus spoke of one related truth in John 6 where He told His audience that He was the bread of life, calling to mind the manna God consistently provided to their forefathers in the wilderness. In this chapter, He invites the people to ...
Series: The Gospel of John
Tim Badal
John 7:25-52
We’re in a series called ‘‘The Gospel of John.’’ This book was written by Jesus’ closest friend and associate, the Apostle John. John wrote this book in three sections. In the first section, he introduces us to Jesus, to know something about Who He was, where He came from and what He was all about. Then in these middles chapters, where we find ourselves today, we learn more things through His teachings and His miracles. We see what His passions and goals are. Then later, beginning in John 12, we learn to trust Jesus with our lives, even as His disciples were learning. He spent time with them, especially in the upper room, explaining to them what was about to happen to Him. They then had to decide if they would be willing to trust His words and power, even if they became social outcasts for doing that. So in summary, John helps us meet Jesus and learn about Him, in order that we might be able to trust Him. At the end of his Gospel, John explains that he had written all these things so that his readers, including you and me, might believe.
Today Jesus is inviting us through this story to the living water than only He can provide. In John 7, Jesus is at a festival in Jerusalem-one of the annual obligatory Jewish festivals called the Festival of the Tabernacles or booths. It was a celebration commemorating when the Israelites were freed from Egypt and led by God into the wilderness. They actually stayed there 40 years. These weren’t easy years and there were many situations about which the people grumbled and in which they even rebelled. Nonetheless, God continued to serve them with a gracious and mighty hand, protecting them and providing for them. Jesus spoke of one related truth in John 6 where He told His audience that He was the bread of life, calling to mind the manna God consistently provided to their forefathers in the wilderness. In this chapter, He invites the people to ...
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